Monday, September 22, 2008

Interesting Fiction Book Touching on Marriage

I haven't read
Fireproof [Thomas Nelson], written by Eric Wilson, based on a screenplay by Alex and Stephen Kendrick, but it sounds worth a look, based on what the folks at the Christian Manifesto are saying: 

"We live in a society where the marriage relationship is not appreciated or taken very seriously. The easy thing to do when things get difficult is to divorce, and we see this pattern played out over and over again for so many couples. Fireproof is a story written to challenge our culture’s perspective on marriage. Yes, we get some great action sequences and suspenseful moment throughout, but the heart of this story is found in Caleb’s resolve to save his marriage and fight for the woman he loves."

The book is slated to become a movie this fall, according to Kendrick Brohers Productions.