Monday, July 27, 2009

Lesson in Love

I tried out a different church yesterday, and God absolutely showed himself there.

I arrived a bit late and worked my way to the middle of the church, where I could nab the first aisle seat I saw. I had arrived during the time for musical worship. The congregation was singing songs playing from a concert video being projected onto one side of the front wall, accompanied by the lyrics being projected onto the other side of the wall.

I soon learned I was standing beside one of the liveliest members of the congregation. While others sang the words serenely, or stood with arms outstretched in silent praise, the woman next to me sang the songs with fervor, punctuated with words and shouts of praise when she felt the urge.

I always find it amazing and heart-warming to see someone so fully thankful for a relationship with the Lord, and for what the Lord has done in his or her life. But that wasn't the end of my lesson for the day.

When fellowship time came, she greeted me with a hug and introduced herself. I returned the favor. She then told me that she didn't have any short-term memory, a preemptive warning that my name would be forgotten.

This is what blew me away. The woman would never be able to remember mundane details of anything or anyone new in her life, but she clearly had her memories of her God firmly planted into her long-term memory. God had revealed himself to her at some point in her life, and He was with her always, never to take on a blurred edge in the murky depths of her subconscious.

What a blessing that those memories were not taken from her! And what a comfort to know that God offers the same indelible presence to us. Once the introduction is made, we have a bond for life, as long as we choose not to turn our backs on Jehovah. He will never leave us, nor forsake us, as laid out in Hebrews 13:5.

Sure, we have heard this line before, but I'm sure all of us have times when we feel distant from God. Those new to Christianity, especially those who have struggled with earthly relationships, may not be able to fully grasp the fact that, in the words of Andre 3000, our relationship with God is forever-ever. We cannot get God to love us more, and He will never love us less. But he will love us forever, as long as we have come to Him through Christ.

I've read recently that Christians are most effective at reaching out to others when they feel secure in their relationship with God. For those who are secure in the depths of God's love, let the notion of the vastness of this love stretch you to extend love to others in a bolder way. If you are still learning to experience the fullness of God's love, meditate on the fact of this eternal love and ask God to clear the negativity from your heart and mind so you can begin to partake in the unmeasurable grace He offers.